- Eyes
- "Somewhat conspicuous."
- "Somewhat conspicuous."
- Funnel
- Long (65 mm) and slender.
- Funnel organ with inverted V-shaped pad apparently formed by the fusion of two oval pads.
- Fins
- Small, width approximately equals length.
- Anterior lobes absent.
- Gills
- 4 primary filaments in each demibranch.
- 4 primary filaments in each demibranch.
- Shell
- "U-shaped."
- Extremities of limbs highly pointed.
- Shell with flat outer contour and convex inner contour in angular region.
- Outer flat surface with very shallow groove.
- Pigmentation
- Aboral surfaces purple in life but flesh-colored in preservation.
- Oral surfaces dark brown in life, darker in preservation.
- Very few areolar spots scattered on body surface.
- Measurements of holotype
- Total length - 470 mm.
- Width of body across eyes - 182 mm.
- Dorsal mantle length - 140 mm.
- Total width (armtip to armtip) - 675 mm.
- Lengths, right arm I, left arm I - 319, 320 mm.
- Lengths, right arm II, left arm II - 300, 315 mm.
- Lengths, right arm III, left arm III - 280, 295 mm.
- Lengths, right arm IV, left arm IV - 254, 285 mm.
- Lengths, right fin, left fin - 38, 39 mm.
- Widths, right fin, left fin - 34, 35 mm.
Opisthoteuthis philipii: Description Continued
Richard E. Young and Michael VecchioneReferences
Oommen, V.P. 1976. A New Species of the Genus Opisthoteuthis Verrill, 1883 (Cephalopoda: Mollusca) from the Southwest Coast of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 18(2):368-374.
About This Page
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA
Page copyright © 2003 and
Page: Tree of Life
Opisthoteuthis philipii: Description Continued
Authored by
Richard E. Young and Michael Vecchione.
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