- Tentacles
- Club length 45% of ML.
- Dactylus suckers grade in size from smallest in dorsal series to largest in ventral series.
- Proximal suckers on dactylus with 8-10 sharp teeth on distal margins on inner rings and 20-22 blunt teeth on proximal margins.
- Terminal pad with 13 suckers.
- Club suckers, including terminal pad suckers but not carpal suckers, number about 80.
- Medial series of manus with enlarged suckers; pairs 3 and 4 the largest (5.0-5.5 mm diam.).
- Marginal suckers of manus with 32-34 short, sharp teeth around entire margins of inner rings.
- Carpal region ill-defined with 6 suckers and 5 pads irregularly arranged.
- ArmsClick on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Figure. Large sucker, arm III, row 8 of Discoteuthis sp. A. Drawing from Salcedo-Vargas and Guerrero-Kommritz (2000).
- Arms with about 25-28 pairs of suckers.
- Largest suckers of arms III (pairs 6-8) have 7-9 low, broad, rounded teeth on distal margin.
- Largest suckers of arms IV about half the diameter of largest suckers of other arms.
- Fins
- Length 95% of ML.
- Width 126% of ML.
- Pigmentation
- Reddish-brown chromatophores on mantle, head and arms.
Discoteuthis sp. A: Description Continued
Mario Alejandro Salcedo-Vargas and Richard E. YoungReferences
Salcedo-Vargas, M. A. and J. Guerrero-Kommritz. 2000. Three new cephalopods from the Atlantic Ocean. Mitt. Hamb. Zool. Mus. Inst., 97: 31-44.
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Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
Page copyright © 2001 and
Page: Tree of Life
Discoteuthis sp. A: Description Continued
Authored by
Mario Alejandro Salcedo-Vargas and Richard E. Young.
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