Jeff Skevington- Verrallia andreei
- Verrallia aucta
- Verrallia csikii
- Verrallia exstincta
- Verrallia kerteszia
- Verrallia rebunensis
- Verrallia spectabilis
- Verrallia virginica
There are five valid, extant species of Verrallia and three extinct species. Kehlmaier (2006) worked on some of the nomenclatural problems with the group but did not provide keys as a complete revision is really needed. Kuznetzov (1992), Coe (1966) and Dunk (1997) provide keys, none of which are completely satisfactory. Current work on the genus is being conducted by Kehlmaier (European) and Skevington (Nearctic).
The genus is easy to recognize by the complete wing venation (incomplete in Chalarus) and the presence of the wing vein M2 (absent in Jassidophaga).
Churkin, S. V. 1990. A new fly species of the genus Verrallia (Diptera, Pipunculidae) from the USSR Far East. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 69: 140-141.
Coe, R. L. 1966. Some British species of Chalarus and Verrallia (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 35: 149-160.
Collin, J. E. 1931. The British species of the genus Verrallia (Diptera). The Entomologist's monthly Magazine 67: 234-236.
Dunk, K. von der. 1997. Key to Central European species of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Studia Dipterologica 4(2): 289-335.
Jenkinson, F. 1903. Verrallia aucta and its host. The Entomologist's monthly Magazine 39: 222-223.
Kehlmaier, C. 2006. The West-Palaearctic species of Jassidophaga Aczél and Verrallia Mik described up to 1966 (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde 697: 1-34.
Kuznetzov, S. Y. 1992. The Palaearctic species of the genus Verrallia (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Zoosystematica Rossica 1: 102-116.
Linnane, J. P. and E. A. Osgood. 1977. Verrallia virginica (Diptera: Pipunculidae) reared from the Saratoga Spittlebug in Maine. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 79: 622-623.
Mik, J. 1899. Verrallia nov.gen. Pipunculidarum (Dipt.). Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 18: 133-137.
Morakote, R. and Y. Hirashima. 1990. A systematic study of the Japanese Pipunculidae (Diptera) Part I. Introduction to the family and the genus Verrallia Mik. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 34: 123-159.
Thompson, F. C. 1977. Verrallia virginica Banks, a valid species (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 79: 624-625.
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- First online 02 November 2005
- Content changed 07 August 2008
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